Jun 29, 2020
In this episode of the Shane Walsh Fitness Podcast I spoke with CEO of Girls Gains, Host of BBCs Fit and Fearless Podcast, Influencer and body image advocate Victoria Niamh Spence.
@victorianiamh on Instagram
Some of the topics we speak about include:
Her battle with disorded eating
I wear my clothes, they don't wear...
Jun 25, 2020
In this episode of the Shane Walsh Fitness Podcast I spoke with London based GP and author of the incredible book the "M" Word Dr. Phillipa Kaye
@drphillipakaye on Instagram.
Buy The M Word by Dr Philippa Kaye (published by Summersdale Publishers) priced £9.99. - click here
Some of the topics we speak about...
Jun 22, 2020
In this episode of the Shane Walsh Fitness Podcast I spoke with Chef, leader of the transformers and Author of no.1 selling book Beat the Bulge and Still Indulge Trisha Lewis @trishas.transformation on Instagram.
Some of the topics we speak about include:
Her Story
Going on the Late Late
You pick your joy
Dealing with...
Jun 18, 2020
In this episode of the Shane Walsh Fitness Podcast I spoke with Performance & Lifestyle coach, Radio presenter, Former All Ireland winning Camogie Captain with Cork and presenter Anna Geary @annagcork.
Apply for Irelands Fittest Family https://www.rte.ie/irelandsfittestfamily
Some of the topics we speak about...
Jun 15, 2020
In this episode of the Shane Walsh Fitness Podcast I spoke with Podcaster, Creator of Project X, Online Coach and all round legend Diren Kartal (@diren.kartal)
Coaching: www.direnkartal.com
Some of the topics we speak about include:
His Story
Not caring what others think
What he would change in the...