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The Shane Walsh Podcast

Jan 28, 2021

In this episode of the Shane Walsh Fitness Podcast we are going to try a new format called Coaches Corner. Vol. 2 is all about Female Fat Loss Myths.

Should girls take Creatine?
Dealing with Fluctuations with the scales
Are carbs bad for you?
Women are not small men
When to push your training
Does the pill cause weight...

Jan 25, 2021

In this episode of the Shane Walsh Fitness Podcast I spoke with Singapore based Online Coach/PT, Lululemon Ambassador, Podcast host Lizzie Wright.


We chat about:

Empowering women

Mastering your life

Dealing with others opinions

Goal setting for 2021

Run your body not the other way around

Human giver...

Jan 21, 2021

In this very special episode of the Shane Walsh Fitness Podcast I chat with one of my amazing clients Cassandra

@kassawndra on Instagram

Cassandra chats about:

Losing over 30lbs

Picking a lifestyle you can see yourself doing 10 years from now

Being a mom of 4

Including chocolate and foods she enjoys

Knowing your...

Jan 18, 2021

In this episode of the Shane Walsh Fitness Podcast I spoke with Youtuber, Women's coach, Creator of the 21 day Manifestation Challenge and Podcaster Ella Ringrose.

@ellaringrose on social media

Some of the topics we speak about include:

Ego & the mind

Dealing with other peoples limitations,

You are not your...

Jan 14, 2021

In this episode of the Shane Walsh Fitness Podcast we are going to try a new format once a month where Shane & Stephen will chat about questions that you guys ask us. The title of the episode will Coaches Corner.


In Vol.1 we chat about

Dealing with Xmas weight gain

Building strength with home workouts

First areas of...